ServaRica ❯ Unified Slim 1 Core
ServaRica is an IAAS provider run by a small team of engineers from Montreal, Canada. While relatively unknown to the broader market, they have been in business since 2010 and are among the most affordable providers of cheap storage servers and high bandwidth in North America with an overall good track record. They currently use a strong anti-fraud protection mechanism that is known to trigger if you register your account behind a VPN connection or use a foreign prepaid payment card.
VPS Description:
Overview: This Servarica VPS in Canada belongs of their "slice system", but is available as a single-slice configuration only. It runs on KVM virtualization and provides preconfigured Linux templates and unlicensed Windows. It has 1 dedicated Epyc core, 4 GB RAM, and 500 GB HDD storage, with a monthly bandwidth cap of 4 TB delivered over a 10.0 Gbps port. Extra SAN storage may be attached to the VPS, for up to 10 TB.
Deployment Cases: This configuration suits low- to moderate-load applications where storage capacity is prioritized over compute performance. It can function as a backup repository or file server for archival data and media libraries, or serve as a host for low-traffic web applications and content management systems that do not demand high I/O performance. The option to extend SAN storage enables scalable data storage for projects such as centralized logging, long-term data retention, or secondary storage for distributed systems.
Constraints: The 500 GB HDD provides high capacity but lower I/O speed compared to SSDs, which may affect applications requiring fast data access.
Historical price charts:
The price of this service is collected once a day and plotted in the graphs below. The currency is USD.
The latest price was $3.50, collected on March 19.

Historical stock availability:
Available stock quantity for this service; data collected daily. This value may be boolean [0, 1] if the exact stock quantity is not known.