ServaRica ❯ Unified Slim 1 Core
Overview: This Servarica VPS in Canada belongs of their "slice system", but is available as a single-slice configuration only. It runs on KVM virtualization and provides preconfigured Linux templates and unlicensed Windows. It has 1 dedicated Epyc core, 4 GB RAM, and 500 GB HDD storage, with a monthly bandwidth cap of 4 TB delivered over a 10.0 Gbps port. Extra SAN storage may be attached to the VPS, for up to 10 TB.
Deployment Cases: This configuration suits low- to moderate-load applications where storage capacity is prioritized over compute performance. It can function as a backup repository or file server for archival data and media libraries, or serve as a host for low-traffic web applications and content management systems that do not demand high I/O performance. The option to extend SAN storage enables scalable data storage for projects such as centralized logging, long-term data retention, or secondary storage for distributed systems.
Constraints: The 500 GB HDD provides high capacity but lower I/O speed compared to SSDs, which may affect applications requiring fast data access.
このサービスの価格は1日に1回収集され、以下のグラフにプロットされます。 通貨はUSDです。

このサービスの利用可能な在庫数量; データは毎日収集されます。正確な在庫数量が不明な場合、この値はブール値 [0, 1] である可能性があります。

❯ ServaRica の概要と統計を参照してください。