ServaRica ❯ Unified Slim 1 Core
ServaRica 是一家由加拿大蒙特利尔的一小群工程师运营的IAAS提供商。尽管在更广泛的市场中相对不为人所知,但他们自2010年以来一直在运营,并且是北美地区提供廉价存储服务器和高带宽的最实惠的供应商之一,整体记录良好。他们目前使用一种强大的反欺诈保护机制,已知在通过VPN连接注册账户或使用外国预付支付卡时会触发该机制。
VPS 描述:
Overview: This Servarica VPS in Canada belongs of their "slice system", but is available as a single-slice configuration only. It runs on KVM virtualization and provides preconfigured Linux templates and unlicensed Windows. It has 1 dedicated Epyc core, 4 GB RAM, and 500 GB HDD storage, with a monthly bandwidth cap of 4 TB delivered over a 10.0 Gbps port. Extra SAN storage may be attached to the VPS, for up to 10 TB.
Deployment Cases: This configuration suits low- to moderate-load applications where storage capacity is prioritized over compute performance. It can function as a backup repository or file server for archival data and media libraries, or serve as a host for low-traffic web applications and content management systems that do not demand high I/O performance. The option to extend SAN storage enables scalable data storage for projects such as centralized logging, long-term data retention, or secondary storage for distributed systems.
Constraints: The 500 GB HDD provides high capacity but lower I/O speed compared to SSDs, which may affect applications requiring fast data access.
该服务的价格每天收集一次,并在下面的图表中绘制。 货币单位为USD。

该服务的可用库存数量;数据每天收集。如果确切库存数量未知,该值可能为布尔值 [0, 1]。

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