
RackNerd768 MB KVM VPS (Black Friday 2023)

RackNerd 是最大且最成熟的低成本 VPS 和专用服务器提供商之一,提供来自多个美国数据中心以及法国斯特拉斯堡和爱尔兰都柏林的云服务。他们的服务可靠性和专业的客户支持获得了高度评价,但众所周知,他们的硬件配置相对较低,尤其是在 Intel CPU 上。除此之外,RackNerd 仍然是一个可靠且值得推荐的全面选择。

VPS 描述:

This VPS, located in the U.S.A., uses KVM virtualization and offers one shared Intel CPU core, 768 MB of RAM, and 15 GB of SSD storage. It is suitable for lightweight applications and services. It supports Linux installations and custom ISOs.

The 768 MB of RAM and one shared Intel CPU core make this VPS capable of handling low-resource applications. The SSD storage ensures quick data access, ideal for small-scale applications, lightweight databases, and other data-intensive tasks that don't require large amounts of storage.

Developers can utilize this VPS for development and testing environments, benefiting from the custom ISO support to install specific Linux distributions and software stacks. This setup is useful for running lightweight containers with Docker for microservices and other minimal resource applications.

The VPS can efficiently run mail servers thanks to the open port 25 and rDNS support, making it suitable for handling moderate email traffic. Additionally, it is suitable for deploying personal VPN servers with software like WireGuard, accommodating multiple connections with minimal resource requirements.

Other potential uses include hosting small file storage and sharing solutions, benefiting from the quick access provided by SSD storage. Lightweight data analytics or monitoring tools can also run effectively on this VPS, utilizing the available RAM and CPU resources.

The bandwidth allowance of 1000 GB per month and the port speed of 1.0 Gbps are adequate for low to moderate traffic applications. However, the lack of IPv6 support may limit its compatibility with certain network services. The support for IPv4 ensures basic network connectivity.

Overall, this VPS provides a reliable environment for a variety of Linux-based applications and services, supporting moderate resource demands within its specifications.


该服务的价格每天收集一次,并在下面的图表中绘制。 货币单位为USD。

历史价格图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史价格图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)


该服务的可用库存数量;数据每天收集。如果确切库存数量未知,该值可能为布尔值 [0, 1]。

历史库存可用性图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史库存可用性图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)

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