RackNerd ❯ 768 MB KVM VPS (Black Friday 2023)
RackNerd está entre os maiores e mais estabelecidos provedores de VPSs de baixo custo e servidores dedicados, oferecendo serviços em nuvem a partir de vários data centers americanos e de Estrasburgo, França, e Dublin, Irlanda. Eles foram excelentemente avaliados pela confiabilidade de seus serviços e pelo suporte ao cliente competente, mas são conhecidos por oferecer hardware um pouco limitado, especialmente em seus processadores Intel. Além disso, o RackNerd continua sendo uma escolha confiável e recomendada para todos os tipos de necessidades.
Descrição do VPS:
This VPS, located in the U.S.A., uses KVM virtualization and offers one shared Intel CPU core, 768 MB of RAM, and 15 GB of SSD storage. It is suitable for lightweight applications and services. It supports Linux installations and custom ISOs.
The 768 MB of RAM and one shared Intel CPU core make this VPS capable of handling low-resource applications. The SSD storage ensures quick data access, ideal for small-scale applications, lightweight databases, and other data-intensive tasks that don't require large amounts of storage.
Developers can utilize this VPS for development and testing environments, benefiting from the custom ISO support to install specific Linux distributions and software stacks. This setup is useful for running lightweight containers with Docker for microservices and other minimal resource applications.
The VPS can efficiently run mail servers thanks to the open port 25 and rDNS support, making it suitable for handling moderate email traffic. Additionally, it is suitable for deploying personal VPN servers with software like WireGuard, accommodating multiple connections with minimal resource requirements.
Other potential uses include hosting small file storage and sharing solutions, benefiting from the quick access provided by SSD storage. Lightweight data analytics or monitoring tools can also run effectively on this VPS, utilizing the available RAM and CPU resources.
The bandwidth allowance of 1000 GB per month and the port speed of 1.0 Gbps are adequate for low to moderate traffic applications. However, the lack of IPv6 support may limit its compatibility with certain network services. The support for IPv4 ensures basic network connectivity.
Overall, this VPS provides a reliable environment for a variety of Linux-based applications and services, supporting moderate resource demands within its specifications.
Gráficos históricos de preços:
O preço deste serviço é coletado uma vez por dia e plotado nos gráficos abaixo. A moeda é USD.
O preço mais recente foi $0.85, coletado em 18 de março.

Disponibilidade histórica de estoque:
Quantidade de estoque disponível para este serviço; dados coletados diariamente. Este valor pode ser booleano [0, 1] se a quantidade exata de estoque não for conhecida.