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OrangeVPS Overview and Statistics

OrangeVPS has VPSs in Hong Kong, Singapore, America.

Cheapest VPSs

These are the cheapest VPSs currently offered by OrangeVPS, starting at $2.00 per month:

OrangeVPS — $2.00 / month

1 Intel Cores (shared)

2048 MB RAM

40 GB NVMe

1536 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

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OrangeVPS — $2.00 / month

1 Intel Cores (shared)

2048 MB RAM

40 GB NVMe

1536 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed

IPv4 + IPv6

Hosted in Singapore 🇸🇬

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $2.00 / month

1 Intel Cores (shared)

2048 MB RAM

40 GB NVMe

1536 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in Hong Kong 🇭🇰

Info Go

Largest Storage

The VPS with the largest storage by OrangeVPS has 960 GB of NVMe disk space:

OrangeVPS — $230.40 / month

48 Intel Cores (shared)

98304 MB RAM

960 GB NVMe

9216 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $76.80 / month

16 Intel Cores (shared)

65536 MB RAM

640 GB NVMe

20480 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $38.40 / month

8 Intel Cores (shared)

32768 MB RAM

320 GB NVMe

16384 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

Highest Bandwidth

The VPS with the highest bandwidth has 20480 GB of data traffic per month, connected with a port speed of 1.0 Gbps:

OrangeVPS — $76.80 / month

16 Intel Cores (shared)

65536 MB RAM

640 GB NVMe

20480 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $38.40 / month

8 Intel Cores (shared)

32768 MB RAM

320 GB NVMe

16384 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $5.31 / month

4 Intel Cores (shared)

12288 MB RAM

160 GB NVMe

8192 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

Highest RAM

These are some VPSs from OrangeVPS with the largest amount of RAM. The largest of all has 393216 MB of RAM:

OrangeVPS — $460.80 / month

16 Intel Cores (shared)

393216 MB RAM

400 GB NVMe

10240 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $230.40 / month

16 Intel Cores (shared)

262144 MB RAM

300 GB NVMe

9216 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

Info Go

OrangeVPS — $115.20 / month

8 Intel Cores (shared)

131072 MB RAM

150 GB NVMe

8192 GB/month bandwidth

1.0 Gbps port speed


Hosted in U.S.A. 🇺🇸

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