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AlexHostPROMO KVM VDS 5€/mo NL

Overview: This AlexHost VPS in the Netherlands runs on KVM virtualization with preconfigured Windows and Linux templates. It has 2 shared Intel cores, 4 GB RAM, and 40 GB NVMe storage, with 50 TB per month on a 1.0 Gbps connection. IPv4 is provided, IPv6 is not. DMCA takedown requests are ignored and Bitcoin, USDT and Monero are accepted in payment.

Useful for: The VPS is suited for lightweight applications. It can host a small-scale web server or containerized apps via Docker. It is also adequate for running a basic LEMP stack or a minimal Git repository.

Critics: The shared CPU vCores and the small 40 GB NVMe drive are impractical for some intensive applications.

Historical price charts:

The price of this service is collected once a day and plotted in the graphs below. The currency is EUR.
The latest price was €5.00, collected on March 19.

historical price chart - current week (updated March 19) historical price chart - current month (updated March 19)

Historical stock availability:

Available stock quantity for this service; data collected daily. This value may be boolean [0, 1] if the exact stock quantity is not known.

historical stock availability chart - current week (updated March 19) historical stock availability chart - current month (updated March 19)

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