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HostEonsHybrid Server Special 1

System Details: HostEons’ VPS in Salt Lake City is deployed on KVM with a dedicated Ryzen 3950x core, 4 GB RAM, and 50 GB NVMe storage. It has 15 TB monthly bandwidth over a 1.0 Gbps connection. Linux preconfigured templates are provided, and Windows Server is available as an unlicensed build (user-supplied license). IPv4 and IPv6 are available with additional IPv4's offered at a cost; free DNS hosting is included, and optional monthly backups are available at $1 per month.

Applications: The configuration is best used on workloads requiring consistent CPU performance at low to moderate resource levels. It is suitable for hosting small web servers or lightweight database systems. It can support containerized applications for development and testing environments or serve as a DNS server.

Considerations: With 4 GB RAM and 50 GB NVMe storage, the system is limited to applications with modest memory and storage requirements. The dedicated CPU grants predictable computational capacity, but with just a single core the overall compute remains limited.

Historical price charts:

The price of this service is collected once a day and plotted in the graphs below. The currency is USD.
The latest price was $4.75, collected on March 31.

historical price chart - current week (updated March 31) historical price chart - current month (updated March 31)

Historical stock availability:

Available stock quantity for this service; data collected daily. This value may be boolean [0, 1] if the exact stock quantity is not known.

historical stock availability chart - current week (updated March 31) historical stock availability chart - current month (updated March 31)

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