
ColoCrossing1GB LEB Special

ColoCrossing 是一家大型美国公司,拥有并运营着位于美国多个城市以及爱尔兰都柏林的数据中心。从这些数据中心,他们提供VPS和VDS虚拟化服务器,价格在美国属于最低之列,尤其注重提供高带宽的廉价VPS,每月数据传输量高达20TB。不过值得注意的是,他们在共享服务器上的Intel CPU性能曾受到抱怨,通常建议在这些VPS上安装Linux而非Windows,以避免CPU过载。

VPS 描述:

Overview: This ColoCrossing VPS is hosted in the U.S.A. on KVM virtualization and provides preconfigured Linux templates with support for custom ISO installations. The system has 1 shared Intel core, 1 GB RAM, and 25 GB SSD storage, with a monthly bandwidth allocation of 20 TB over a 1.0 Gbps port. IPv4 connectivity is available while IPv6 is not, and port 25 is open by default.

Potential Use Cases: The minimal resource allocation is appropriate for small-footprint, network-focused tasks. It can be used to run a static website using servers such as Lighttpd or Hiawatha, or serve as a low-traffic API endpoint with lightweight frameworks like Bottle. It is also suitable for deploying a small DNS server with Unbound or BIND, or operating as a reverse proxy using Nginx configured for caching. Additionally, the open port 25 enables the setup of a basic outbound SMTP relay using Postfix or Exim for low-volume email traffic.

Critical Considerations: The single shared CPU and 1 GB RAM limit the ability to run compute-intensive or memory-heavy applications. The 25 GB SSD storage constrains persistent data capacity, so applications requiring large data volumes must utilize external storage. The lack of IPv6 may affect deployments in dual-stack environments, and the overall resource constraints are unsuitable for most workloads.


该服务的价格每天收集一次,并在下面的图表中绘制。 货币单位为USD。

历史价格图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史价格图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)


该服务的可用库存数量;数据每天收集。如果确切库存数量未知,该值可能为布尔值 [0, 1]。

历史库存可用性图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史库存可用性图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)

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