ColoCrossing ❯ 4GB RAM Summer Special
ColoCrossing 是一家大型美国公司,拥有并运营着位于美国多个城市以及爱尔兰都柏林的数据中心。从这些数据中心,他们提供VPS和VDS虚拟化服务器,价格在美国属于最低之列,尤其注重提供高带宽的廉价VPS,每月数据传输量高达20TB。不过值得注意的是,他们在共享服务器上的Intel CPU性能曾受到抱怨,通常建议在这些VPS上安装Linux而非Windows,以避免CPU过载。
VPS 描述:
- Location: New York State, Los Angeles, and Chicago (U.S.A.)
- Virtualization: KVM
- Operating System Templates: Almalinux, Rocky linux, Suse; Windows (user-supplied license); supports custom ISO disc installations
- CPU: 3 shared Intel cores
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Storage: 40 GB SSD
- Bandwidth: 20 TB per calendar month
- Network: 1.0 Gbps port; IPv4 only; port 25 open by default
- Additional: rDNS custom records on IPv4
Deployment Scenarios:
- Host small to medium web applications and dynamic sites using a LEMP stack.
- Deploy lightweight API endpoints or backend services that require minimal compute.
- Run lightweight containerized applications via Docker.
- Run a basic DNS or mail relay server leveraging open port 25.
Operational Constraints:
- ColoCrossing's shared CPUs are known to be too slow to run Windows RDP smoothly.
- Limited 4 GB RAM and 40 GB SSD constrain memory- and storage-intensive applications.
- IPv6, BGP sessions, and Monero payment are not available.
该服务的价格每天收集一次,并在下面的图表中绘制。 货币单位为USD。

该服务的可用库存数量;数据每天收集。如果确切库存数量未知,该值可能为布尔值 [0, 1]。

查看 ❯ ColoCrossing 概览和统计信息。