
Layer7Intel Xeon SP Gold Server VPS France PAR1

Layer7 是一家在德国合法注册的小型但充满活力的公司,主要从法兰克福、杜塞尔多夫和巴黎的数据中心提供云服务。他们在通过 ISO/IEC 27001 认证的数据中心中拥有并运营自己的服务器硬件。该公司在服务可靠性和正常运行时间方面有着出色的记录,在托管论坛和专业网站上留下了极其积极的客户评价。尽管与 Hetzner 或 OVH 等大品牌相比,他们的市场份额较小,但在爱好者中,他们以提供欧盟内一些最便宜的大容量存储机器以及低邻居争用和宽松服务条款的强大 AMD 虚拟服务器而闻名。

VPS 描述:

Overview: This Layer7 VPS from France is delivered on KVM virtualization, supporting both Linux and unlicensed Windows (user-supplied licensing). Custom ISO installation is available, allowing the deployment of any x86-64 operating system. The system is provisioned with 4 shared Intel Xeon SP Gold cores, 8 GB of RAM, and 120 GB of NVMe storage. It offers a monthly bandwidth allocation of 50 TB over a 1.0 Gbps port, with both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and rDNS support. Port 25 is open by default.

Potential Use Cases: The configuration is engineered for moderately demanding workloads. The 4 shared Xeon cores enable robust multi-threaded performance suitable for hosting high-traffic web servers (using Nginx or Apache), dynamic API endpoints, or containerized applications deployed via platforms like Docker. The 8 GB of RAM supports moderate multitasking and in-memory processing, while the 120 GB NVMe storage delivers low-latency I/O performance for database servers, caching layers, or real-time analytics. The generous monthly bandwidth allocation accommodates data-intensive operations, such as media streaming or bulk file transfers.

Critical Considerations: While the system offers strong processing and fast storage, the shared nature of the CPU cores may limit sustained performance under high load. The open port 25 requires proper security measures to prevent potential misuse in email applications.


该服务的价格每天收集一次,并在下面的图表中绘制。 货币单位为EUR。

历史价格图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史价格图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)


该服务的可用库存数量;数据每天收集。如果确切库存数量未知,该值可能为布尔值 [0, 1]。

历史库存可用性图表 - 本周(更新于3月18日) 历史库存可用性图表 - 本月(更新于3月18日)

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