가격 순으로 정렬된 VPS를 위한 독립 검색 엔진

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Offshore Hosting (AKA DMCA-Ignore VPS)

Offshore hosting providers are extremely scarce in number and generally confined within the Netherlands, Romania and Moldova, with a few exceptions elsewhere. Upon reading the Terms of Service of hundreds of providers, I understood that there are two classes of "offshore hosting":

  • DMCA-lenient providers
  • DMCA-ignore providers

The DMCA-lenient providers will not ignore copyright takedown requests received on behalf of their customers, they will not make the requests disappear, but will merely accept the legal notifications and pass them down as-is to the respective customers, with the expectation that the customers deal with them timely within one or two days at most, or else their service will be terminated for good. Basically, the infringing content will have to be deleted, but at least the provider has leniency and won't terminate the service if the customer complies. This is a somewhat better scenario than with regular VPS providers that have zero tolerance in such cases.

The DMCA-ignore providers instead go a step further, and rather than being lenient with such requests, they completely ignore them and don't forward the documents down to their customers, but basically, just ignore the requests for good. This is possible primarily due to lax copyright laws in the specific countries where these hosting providers are located, and again, only a few countries in the world de facto permit this.

These are some of the DMCA-ignore services currently found in the database; you can search for more VPSs using the form on the sidebar. All results are dynamically generated from the database.

AlexHost — €5.00 / 월

2 Intel 코어 (공유)

4096 MB RAM

40 GB NVMe

51200 GB/월 대역폭

1.0 Gbps 포트 속도


네덜란드 🇳🇱 호스팅

정보 이동

AvaHost — €8.50 / 월

2 Intel 코어 (공유)

4096 MB RAM

50 GB NVMe

51200 GB/월 대역폭

1.0 Gbps 포트 속도


몰도바 🇲🇩 호스팅

정보 이동

AlexHost — €12.00 / 월

4 Intel 코어 (공유)

8192 MB RAM

80 GB NVMe

51200 GB/월 대역폭

1.0 Gbps 포트 속도


네덜란드 🇳🇱 호스팅

정보 이동

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