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RareCloudMicro KVM

Technical Evaluation: The VPS, located in the Netherlands, operates on a Linux environment with KVM virtualization. It has a single shared Intel core paired with 768 MB RAM, which significantly limits multitasking and memory-intensive operations. The 15 GB NVMe storage ensures rapid data access, though its capacity is constrained, and the 1024 GB/month (roughly 1 TB) bandwidth may restrict high-traffic applications. IPv6 support is available, while the absence of rDNS could hinder specific network configurations.

Software and Use Cases: This configuration suits lightweight deployments. It can efficiently run minimal web servers (using Nginx or Apache), basic mail servers (with Postfix), or VPN endpoints (via OpenVPN or WireGuard). Custom ISO support enables the installation of alternative Linux distributions tailored to specialized tasks.

Limitations and Critical Considerations: The shared CPU and limited 768 MB memory restrict the VPS's performance under concurrent or resource-demanding loads. The modest NVMe storage and 1 TB monthly bandwidth further limit its use in data-intensive or high-traffic scenarios. These factors make the VPS more appropriate for experimental, low-demand services rather than critical production workloads.

Historical price charts:

The price of this service is collected once a day and plotted in the graphs below. The currency is EUR.
The latest price was €0.88, collected on March 18.

historical price chart - current week (updated March 18) historical price chart - current month (updated March 18)

Historical stock availability:

Available stock quantity for this service; data collected daily. This value may be boolean [0, 1] if the exact stock quantity is not known.

historical stock availability chart - current week (updated March 18) historical stock availability chart - current month (updated March 18)

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