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RareCloudMicro KVM

Overview: This "Micro KVM" VPS by RareCloud in Düsseldorf, Germany is a minimal virtual machine on KVM. It uses 1 shared Intel core, 768 MB RAM, and 15 GB NVMe storage, with a monthly bandwidth cap of 1 TB over a 1.0 Gbps connection. Custom ISO installations are allowed, port 25 is open by default, and Monero payments are accepted.

Viable Use Cases: This low-resource VPS is suited for basic tasks such as hosting a static website, running simple cron jobs, or serving as a testbed for learning Linux OS administration. It can support lightweight monitoring agents like Uptime Kuma or DNS resolvers for hobby use, and is appropriate for experimental or development projects that require minimal compute and storage.

Considerations: The 768 MB RAM and single shared Intel core restrict performance and multitasking; the 15 GB NVMe storage is insufficient for installing larger applications, and the 1 TB monthly bandwidth cap constrains data-intensive operations. Users must plan deployments accordingly, as sustained high-load processing is not feasible under this configuration.

Historical price charts:

The price of this service is collected once a day and plotted in the graphs below. The currency is EUR.
The latest price was €0.88, collected on March 18.

historical price chart - current week (updated March 18) historical price chart - current month (updated March 18)

Historical stock availability:

Available stock quantity for this service; data collected daily. This value may be boolean [0, 1] if the exact stock quantity is not known.

historical stock availability chart - current week (updated March 18) historical stock availability chart - current month (updated March 18)

See ❯ RareCloud overview and statistics.

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