
KhanWebHost4GB Texas Easter

Overview: This VPS sold by KhanWebHost is located in Texas, U.S.A. and operates on KVM virtualization. It provides preconfigured Linux templates (custom ISO support is not available and no Windows template is provided). The system is configured with 2 shared Intel cores, 4 GB RAM, and 40 GB SSD storage, with a monthly bandwidth cap of 1.5 TB over a 1.0 Gbps port. Both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity are supported, and port 25 is open by default.

Possible Uses: The VPS is well-suited for small-scale server applications. It can be used as a lightweight reverse proxy or load balancer with HAProxy, or deployed as a DNS resolver using Unbound. The configuration supports running a compact version control system or a self-hosted monitoring agent, for example using Icinga. It can also serve as a test node for containerized microservices managed by Docker, or be utilized as a basic VPN endpoint using OpenVPN.

Critical Considerations: The limited 4 GB RAM and 40 GB SSD storage restrict the system to low-demand workloads, while the shared CPU cores may lead to performance variability under sustained computing. The monthly bandwidth limit of 1.5 TB and the absence of custom ISO support further constrain deployments that require high data transfer volumes or specific operating systems.


このサービスの価格は1日に1回収集され、以下のグラフにプロットされます。 通貨はUSDです。

過去の価格チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の価格チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)


このサービスの利用可能な在庫数量; データは毎日収集されます。正確な在庫数量が不明な場合、この値はブール値 [0, 1] である可能性があります。

過去の在庫状況チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の在庫状況チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)

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