fiyata göre sıralanmış VPS'ler için bağımsız bir Arama Motoru

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Alternatives to DigitalOcean Droplets in Canada

The Basic is the name of a family of "droplets", or VPSs, offered by DigitalOcean that are available in the TOR1 data center of Toronto, Canada and in other global locations. In this article I analyze a general-purpose droplet from DigitalOcean, the Premium Intel model, that belongs to the Basic family and I compare it to alternative VPSs in Canada with similar specifications. It is configured as follows:

DigitalOcean "Premium Intel" Droplet

  • CPU vCores: 1 Intel vCores
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 35 GB NVMe
  • Bandwidth: 2 Gbps (shared)
  • Data traffic: 1 TB/month
  • IPv4:
  • IPv6:
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
Price: $8.00/month

At $8 per month this droplet fares poorly in the highly-competitive Canadian market, and at the time of writing, the same hardware specification can be obtained for half the price from other reputable providers in Toronto itself and in the rest of Canada as well. These are comparable alternatives that are presently indexed in our database. The monthly prices displayed below were obtained by dividing the annual prices by 12 and not all providers may offer monthly billing terms.

ServaRica — $3.67 / ay

1 Epyc Çekirdekler (özel)

4096 MB RAM

250 GB NVMe

4096 GB/ay bant genişliği

10.0 Gbps port hızı

IPv4 + IPv6

Kanada 🇨🇦'de barındırılıyor

Bilgi Git

SmartHost — $5.79 / ay

1 Intel Çekirdekler (paylaşımlı)

1024 MB RAM

30 GB NVMe

1000 GB/ay bant genişliği

1.0 Gbps port hızı

IPv4 + IPv6

Kanada 🇨🇦'de barındırılıyor

Bilgi Git

ServaRica — $6.42 / ay

4 Intel Çekirdekler (paylaşımlı)

3072 MB RAM

400 GB NVMe

51200 GB/ay bant genişliği

0.2 Gbps port hızı

IPv4 + IPv6

Kanada 🇨🇦'de barındırılıyor

Bilgi Git

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