가격 순위별 VPS 독립 검색 엔진


This VPS from AlphaVPS, located in the UK, uses KVM virtualization and comes with a shared Intel CPU core, 512 MB of RAM, and 128 GB of HDD storage. Its configuration is suitable for various lightweight applications and services.

With limited memory, this VPS is best for running minimalistic Linux-based applications. It can host simple websites using lightweight web servers like Nginx or Lighttpd, which are suitable for static sites or low-traffic dynamic sites. Additionally, it can be employed for running small-scale personal VPN servers, such as those using WireGuard, which require minimal resources.

The substantial storage capacity of 128 GB on an HDD makes this VPS apt for applications that need more storage but do not critically depend on high-speed access. This includes file storage and sharing solutions like Nextcloud or Seafile, providing a secure and private way to manage files despite the limited RAM.

Developers can utilize this VPS for basic development and testing environments. The custom ISO support allows for the installation of specific Linux distributions, offering flexibility for different development needs. This setup is particularly useful for small-scale applications and testing environments that do not require significant resources.

Running a standard mail server is not supported on this VPS due to the closed port 25 by default. However, the VPS can be used for other network services if email functionality is not critical. The bandwidth limit of 500 GB per month and the 1.0 Gbps port speed are sufficient for low to moderate traffic applications but may not be adequate for high-traffic or bandwidth-intensive tasks.

Overall, this VPS is suitable for low-resource, Linux-based applications where additional storage is needed and high-speed data access is not critical. It provides a dependable option for small-scale projects and services within its resource constraints.

역사적 가격 차트:

이 서비스의 가격은 하루에 한 번 수집되어 아래 그래프에 표시됩니다. 통화는 EUR입니다.
최신 가격은 €1.25이며, 3월 18일에 수집되었습니다.

역사적 가격 차트 - 현재 주 (업데이트 3월 18일) 역사적 가격 차트 - 현재 월 (업데이트 3월 18일)

역사적 재고 가용성:

이 서비스의 사용 가능한 재고 수량; 데이터는 매일 수집됩니다. 정확한 재고 수량을 알 수 없는 경우 이 값은 불리언 [0, 1]일 수 있습니다.

역사적 재고 가용성 차트 - 현재 주 (업데이트 3월 18일) 역사적 재고 가용성 차트 - 현재 월 (업데이트 3월 18일)

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