
QDEBudget VPS Christmas 2024

This VPS, located in the Netherlands, uses KVM virtualization and offers one shared Intel CPU core, 2 GB of RAM, and 20 GB of SSD storage, making it suitable for a variety of applications such as hosting smaller websites and deploying Linux software.

Developers can utilize this VPS for lightweight development or testing environment. Although custom ISO support is not available, the VPS can run standard Linux distributions. While Docker and Kubernetes may be too resource-intensive for this setup, it can efficiently handle simpler containerized applications.

The VPS is also suitable for running basic web servers, file storage, and sharing solutions such as Nextcloud or Seafile, with SSD storage ensuring fast and responsive file access. Although the closed port 25 prevents its use as a mail server, it can still be configured for other network services. The inclusion of both IPv4 and IPv6 provides compatibility with a wide range of network services and applications.

Additionally, this VPS can be used for deploying a personal VPN server: with 2 GB of RAM and sufficient bandwidth of 2 TB per month, it can support multiple simultaneous connections.


このサービスの価格は1日に1回収集され、以下のグラフにプロットされます。 通貨はEURです。

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