

Overview: This HostNamaste VPS is hosted in Canada on OpenVZ virtualization. It provides a preconfigured Linux environment without custom ISO support. The system is allocated 1 shared Intel core, 512 MB RAM, and 20 GB HDD storage, with a monthly bandwidth of 1 TB and a network port limited to 100 Mbps. Both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity are available, and port 25 is open by default.

Potential Use Cases: This VPS is suited for very lightweight workloads. It can operate as a basic static website server using web servers like Lighttpd or Hiawatha, or as a minimal DNS resolver using Unbound. It may also serve as a simple mail relay for low-volume email traffic, or be used for low-traffic API endpoints with frameworks such as Bottle. Its limited resources make it appropriate for testing or internal services rather than production environments.

Critical Considerations: The restricted 512 MB RAM and single shared CPU core limit the capacity for compute-intensive or multi-process applications. The 20 GB HDD confines data storage, while the 100 Mbps port and 1 TB monthly bandwidth cap restrict data transfer rates and volumes. These constraints must be considered when deploying services, as they are only suitable for minimal and low-traffic tasks.


このサービスの価格は1日に1回収集され、以下のグラフにプロットされます。 通貨はEURです。

過去の価格チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の価格チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)


このサービスの利用可能な在庫数量; データは毎日収集されます。正確な在庫数量が不明な場合、この値はブール値 [0, 1] である可能性があります。

過去の在庫状況チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の在庫状況チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)

HostNamaste の概要と統計を参照してください。

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