
AvaHostVPS Basic

This VPS, located in the Republic of Moldova, offers DMCA-ignored hosting, allowing you to host content that may be subject to copyright claims without immediate takedown actions. It is payable anonymously in Monero (XMR), providing a level of privacy and security highly valued by many users. The VPS uses KVM virtualization and provides 2 shared Intel CPU cores, 4 GB of RAM, and 50 GB of NVMe storage. It supports Linux and unlicensed Windows installations but does not support custom ISOs. The 4 GB of RAM and two Intel CPU cores enable handling multiple tasks simultaneously, including resource-intensive applications. The fast 50 GB NVMe storage enhances performance, making it ideal for database-driven applications and other data-intensive tasks. With a bandwidth allowance of 50 TB per month and a port speed of 1 Gbps, this VPS can handle high traffic applications efficiently.

Since port 25 is closed by default, it is not ideal for running mail servers. However, it is suitable for other server applications, including web hosting, file storage, and data analytics. The support for IPv4 ensures compatibility with a range of network services and applications, though it does not support IPv6.


このサービスの価格は1日に1回収集され、以下のグラフにプロットされます。 通貨はEURです。

過去の価格チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の価格チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)


このサービスの利用可能な在庫数量; データは毎日収集されます。正確な在庫数量が不明な場合、この値はブール値 [0, 1] である可能性があります。

過去の在庫状況チャート - 今週 (更新日 3月18日) 過去の在庫状況チャート - 今月 (更新日 3月18日)

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