aucun service correspondant trouvé
RackNerd Tracker for Price & Stock Availability
This is a tracker tool to monitor the current and historical stock availability of RackNerd VPSs. Both the price and stock conditions are tracked at regular intervals and plotted on daily and monthly charts. You can also compare VPS prices from providers other than RackNerd and coalesce all service plans into a customized list ranked by price. Using the sidebar menu you can define the VPS specifications that you need, then toggle the "In Stock" button as needed in order to show or hide VPSs that are currently out of stock. Consider the following example:
Tracking RackNerd VPSs (and competitors):
RackNerd has its primary presence in US data centers, therefore on the sidebar menu you would select "North America → US" as the region of interest. Leaving the rest of the parameters to their default values, you should see results similar to the following VPSs, including from RackNerd and from its direct competitors. You can then track price and stock by pressing the "Info" button. Keep in mind that the monthly prices displayed by the tool are often calculated by dividing the annual prices by 12.
RackNerd — $0.92 / mois
1 Cœurs Intel (partagés)
1024 Mo RAM
20 Go SSD
1500 Go/mois bande passante
1.0 Gbps vitesse port
Hébergé en États-Unis 🇺🇸
RackNerd — $0.94 / mois
1 Cœurs Intel (partagés)
1024 Mo RAM
24 Go SSD
2000 Go/mois bande passante
1.0 Gbps vitesse port
Hébergé en États-Unis 🇺🇸
RackNerd — $1.42 / mois
2 Cœurs Intel (partagés)
1024 Mo RAM
20 Go SSD
1500 Go/mois bande passante
1.0 Gbps vitesse port
Hébergé en États-Unis 🇺🇸
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