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Alternatives to DigitalOcean Droplets in Frankfurt, Germany

DigitalOcean offers several VPS shapes with dedicated CPU cores in their FRA1 data center of Frankfurt, Germany. In this article I analyze the Regular Intel, the cheapest model of their CPU-optimized family of VPSs, and I compare it to viable alternatives in other data centers in Germany. Its specifications are:

DigitalOcean "Regular Intel" Droplet

  • CPU vCores: 2 dedicated Intel cores
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Storage: 25 GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 2 Gbps (shared)
  • Data traffic: 4 TB/month
  • IPv4:
  • IPv6:
  • Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Price: $42.00/month

At $42 per month this droplet is among the most expensive in its class within the highly-competitive German market, and at the time of writing, the same hardware specifications can be obtained for less than half the price without leaving the German borders. These are comparable alternatives that are presently indexed in our database. The monthly prices displayed below were obtained by dividing the annual prices by 12 and not all providers may offer monthly billing terms.

Layer7 — €7.99 / mois

2 Cœurs Epyc (dédiés)

16384 Mo RAM

120 Go NVMe

51200 Go/mois bande passante

1.0 Gbps vitesse port

IPv4 + IPv6

Hébergé en Allemagne 🇩🇪

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HostBrr — $15.00 / mois

2 Cœurs Ryzen (dédiés)

12288 Mo RAM

150 Go NVMe

40000 Go/mois bande passante

10.0 Gbps vitesse port

IPv4 + IPv6

Hébergé en Allemagne 🇩🇪

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Layer7 — €15.35 / mois

2 Cœurs Epyc (dédiés)

49152 Mo RAM

240 Go NVMe

51200 Go/mois bande passante

1.0 Gbps vitesse port

IPv4 + IPv6

Hébergé en Allemagne 🇩🇪

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