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RareCloudMicro KVM

Overview: This VPS is best positioned for low-impact, experimental projects and lightweight deployments. Its resource constraints make it ideal for applications that demand minimal memory and CPU usage, while its NVMe storage ensures responsive I/O for tasks that do not require extensive disk space. The platform’s support for custom ISO installations allows enthusiasts to tailor the operating system environment to specialized needs, be it for testing or for running lean production services.

Potential Use Cases: Consider deploying a minimalist web server to host a personal blog or static site built with tools like Hugo or Jekyll. Developers can take advantage of its flexibility to run microservices or lightweight API endpoints, especially in environments where latency to Eastern Europe is beneficial. Its configuration also makes it a fitting candidate for setting up a simple VPN gateway using solutions such as WireGuard or OpenVPN, or for acting as a remote control hub for IoT devices. Additionally, the ability to install custom Linux distributions enables its use as a sandbox for learning system administration or testing automation pipelines.

Critical Considerations: Given the single shared CPU core and limited 768 MB of RAM, this VPS is unsuitable for resource-heavy applications or multitasking environments. The modest 15 GB NVMe storage, while speedy, restricts data-intensive operations, and the 1 TB monthly bandwidth may become a bottleneck in high-traffic scenarios. Note that while the provider accepts Monero as payment, this does not imply special support for cryptocurrency-related software.

Historische Preisdiagramme:

Der Preis dieses Dienstes wird einmal täglich erfasst und in den untenstehenden Diagrammen dargestellt. Die Währung ist EUR.
Der letzte Preis war €0.88, erfasst am 18. März.

historisches Preisdiagramm - aktuelle Woche (aktualisiert 18. März) historisches Preisdiagramm - aktueller Monat (aktualisiert 18. März)

Historische Lagerverfügbarkeit:

Verfügbare Lagerbestandsmenge für diesen Dienst; Daten werden täglich erfasst. Dieser Wert kann boolesch [0, 1] sein, wenn die genaue Lagerbestandsmenge nicht bekannt ist.

historisches Lagerverfügbarkeitsdiagramm - aktuelle Woche (aktualisiert 18. März) historisches Lagerverfügbarkeitsdiagramm - aktueller Monat (aktualisiert 18. März)

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