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This VPS, located in Germany, uses KVM virtualization and offers two shared Intel CPU cores, 2048 MB of RAM, and 1024 GB of HDD storage. This configuration is suitable for applications that require substantial storage but are not critically dependent on high-speed data access.

The 2048 MB of RAM and two Intel CPU cores make this VPS capable of handling moderate resource applications. It supports Linux installations and custom ISOs, providing flexibility for various development needs. The large HDD storage is ideal for file storage and sharing solutions, offering ample space for data-intensive tasks.

Developers can utilize this VPS for development and testing environments, benefiting from the custom ISO support to install specific Linux distributions and software stacks. This is particularly useful for running containers with Docker for microservices and other applications.

However, running a standard mail server is not supported on this VPS due to the closed port 25. The VPS can be used for running personal VPN servers using software like WireGuard, which have minimal resource requirements and provide secure and private internet access.

The bandwidth allowance of 3072 GB per month and the port speed of 1.0 Gbps are sufficient for moderate traffic applications. The support for both IPv4 and IPv6 ensures compatibility with a wide range of network services and applications.

Overall, this VPS provides a dependable environment for a variety of Linux-based applications and services, especially those requiring substantial storage within its resource constraints.

Historische Preisdiagramme:

Der Preis dieses Dienstes wird einmal täglich erfasst und in den untenstehenden Diagrammen dargestellt. Die Währung ist EUR.
Der letzte Preis war €3.33, erfasst am 19. März.

historisches Preisdiagramm - aktuelle Woche (aktualisiert 19. März) historisches Preisdiagramm - aktueller Monat (aktualisiert 19. März)

Historische Lagerverfügbarkeit:

Verfügbare Lagerbestandsmenge für diesen Dienst; Daten werden täglich erfasst. Dieser Wert kann boolesch [0, 1] sein, wenn die genaue Lagerbestandsmenge nicht bekannt ist.

historisches Lagerverfügbarkeitsdiagramm - aktuelle Woche (aktualisiert 19. März) historisches Lagerverfügbarkeitsdiagramm - aktueller Monat (aktualisiert 19. März)

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